Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ain't It Cool News: reports on the V for Vendetta panel at Comic-Con

Ain't It Cool News: has an in-depth article on the V for Vendetta panel at the 2005 San Diego Comic-Con. There's some wonderful shots from the panel, mostly of Portan but also a few of David Lloyd and the others.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the article is when Lloyd responds to questions about the bombings in London and how controversial the movie's version of V will be. The review writes:

Lloyd also was asked about the London bombings and his opinion on how controversial the movie will be. He responded saying that the story has always been controversial because of the idea of portraying a terrorist as a person with their own reasons for doing what they're doing, not an all out unexplainable evil isn't popular. He went on to say that if we can't understand the point of view of the terrorists we won't ever stand any chance to put a stop to terrorist acts.

This was popular with about half the hall while the other half just sat, quietly. The middle-aged lady in front of me was shaking her head the whole time Lloyd was speaking... Maybe she won't like this movie...

Lloyd also talked briefly about Alan Moore and his opinions regarding the movie.

The article also describes the trailer in more detail than the SuperHero Hype article but with a noticeable dose of fanboy-gushing, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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